Monday, January 4, 2010

I was excited.

I think it was about two weeks ago when I got off work and fell asleep and when that happened I ended up rubbing below my lower lip and rubbing it raw. As the day went on it got progressively got worse and apparently got infected, it looked disgusting..
Since I haven't really figured out my health insurance I couldn't just go to a doctor and it was on the weekend. So The next day after lunch Dad took me to Care now. They ended up telling me that I had an allergic reaction to something. (its always an allergic reaction..) So they gave me steroids (which taste disgusting by the way), and this other medication that Ive never taken before. So I took both of them and my messed up face started going away almost immediately which has never happened before.
Usually when I go to the doctor for something they can't figure it out and just give me medication that never works so to actually go to a doctor that gave me something is amazing, and a miracle all in its self. I'm sure at some point I will go more into detail about my medical crap.
Back to the allergic reaction this time. I went to bed with it still looking pretty bad. I even bought gauze so that I could cover it when I got up for work in the morning. But when I got up and went to the bathroom, there was NOTHING THERE!!! it took a little over 6 hours. And not only did it take care of that it made ALL of my Eczema away.
Well.. today, I don't know what I ate, but my eczema is back, well its not really even eczema its just a rash and I'm all itchy and I am not happy. I was soooooo incredibly happy to have normal skin for once in my life and it disappeared.. and I didn't look as pale because you could see my olive skin tone instead of red all over.

I was going to write about other stuff, but all i can think about is my skin and how much it is driving me INSANE..

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