So since I've left the house today I have received a chip/crack in my windshield and it's about an inch long. Hopefully my insurance will cover it or help pay for it. I get to school and walking up my left flipflop broke lol I e had this pair of flip-flops for about five years and they just now broke. I'm glad to say that they have def over fulfilled it's life goal at least two to three times. Hopefully I'm saying that right. For some reason my Mondays have just been sucking horribly . I don't know what it is but this time I'm not going to get upset about it. It's just a Monday and Mondays suck just a fact of life for me at the moment. The good thing is, is that my morning went well. I'm just waiting for what's going to happen on my way home today. I might get in a wreck or something but hopefully it won't be my fault so that I don't have to pay for the damage lol. What a way to look at it lol. My theory is if something bad is going to happen there's going to be a silver lining.
Oh and I got free cookies since it's student appreciation week this week :)
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