Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soon, very soon he will be back in my arms

Today I finally finished my main project that is due when I get back for my Design class. I didn't expect it to take that long, but oh well, now I have 3 or 4 more projects to do. I just need to figure out what I am going to do.

Christina and I went to base and put our signs up for our boys. Super excited I only have a couple days left till I get my baby back. I went to the commicary today and bought a ton of groceries. So now I have food, and I can cook and eat, instead of going out and that money adding up. I'm so super excited for Christopher coming home. I have so much laundry to do. I really dont feel like doing it. I can survive till I get back to texas, I just have to do laundry when I'm there lol. I made the quick chicken and dumplings that Pops showed Christina and I, but I dont think I made it the same. I don't mind tho, cuz i like it. It didn't taste bad lol. I have rarely made anything that didn't taste good. Which I must say I am proud of.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, sweet signs! Love it. And like your final project and the fact that cooking is a positive experience! lol
