Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Now or later

I love futurama. I am almost done with my other projects :) which is awesome. Once again for the hundreth time Chris has been delayed *sigh*. I should really expect it by now, for the amount of times that they have changed their mind about all the other things that they control. dumb dumb dumb dumb DUMB. I put my lip ring in yesterday for a couple hours, and it got sore so I took it out. I think i might be allergic to it, so I need to find one I'm not allergic to.
Lately, I've been wanting to have a baby... which is awkward cuz my plan is to not have a kid till I was out of school and Chris out of the marine corps but I guess its me being lonely that wants a baby. Someone for me to care for and not be by myself. Its just so weird to me that after all the birth control that Ive had to go through, example: Ella and Skyla, Kira, Kennedy, screaming babies at the mall, screaming babies at ceremonies, screaming babies everywhere! And I'm also scared that once I get older that I wont want a baby, I wont have the energy to have a baby, and I don't want that to happen..
I need to get a job out here, but I don't know where exactly to work. There's walgreens, walmart, homedepot, or maybe something on base. Idk. meh..
Tomorrow I seriously need to do laundry, I focused mainly on my design stuff, so now that I have most of it out of the way I can do a lot of laundry and study.

I miss my Grandpa.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soon, very soon he will be back in my arms

Today I finally finished my main project that is due when I get back for my Design class. I didn't expect it to take that long, but oh well, now I have 3 or 4 more projects to do. I just need to figure out what I am going to do.

Christina and I went to base and put our signs up for our boys. Super excited I only have a couple days left till I get my baby back. I went to the commicary today and bought a ton of groceries. So now I have food, and I can cook and eat, instead of going out and that money adding up. I'm so super excited for Christopher coming home. I have so much laundry to do. I really dont feel like doing it. I can survive till I get back to texas, I just have to do laundry when I'm there lol. I made the quick chicken and dumplings that Pops showed Christina and I, but I dont think I made it the same. I don't mind tho, cuz i like it. It didn't taste bad lol. I have rarely made anything that didn't taste good. Which I must say I am proud of.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Husband and Wife, not him or I

I'm bothered by the small things. It is like I'm OCD I guess. More than one person today has asked me, When is Chris going to be in Texas? both of my friends that asked me that today one of them barely talks to me, and then the other one asked and then when I proceeded to explain how I feel, did not help at all.
Chris isn't the only one coming home, I moved out here. Granted I know he has been gone for 7 months I know this, I have been on a emotional roller coaster since he left. I know because I am his wife. It is not only Chris or me anymore, we are one entity now, One does not come with out the other. Ive been through so much with Chris being gone, and no one seems to understand what it is exactly that I have to go through, no matter how I try to explain it. It can't be understood till one has gone through it. Its more painful than anything that any normal person has to go through. So when someone asks me when is chris coming home, when I have already moved out here and do not live in Tx anymore. That hurts, I'm not chopped liver. I know that you dont miss me as much as you miss chris but I'm bringing him home. We are coming home not chris by himself.
The way you say something changes the meaning whether it was meant that way or not.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


maybe I'll get on here everyday or once every few days
maybe I'll sleep well tonight
maybe I'll get my homework done before I get back to texas lol
maybe my gpa will go up this semester
maybe Chris wont have to spend the night that he gets home on base
maybe lots of things lol

I tried scotch for the first time today, and honestly it didn't taste bad I think Whiskey tastes worse and stings worse. I pretty much have a new family here in cali, its' nice. Its like having grandparents, stateside. Pops made chicken and dumplings for Christina and I, and it was yummy! It is really nice, since before I only really had Daniel and Christina with Chris and kyle being gone. And Daniel is in Texas the time that I am in cali, which I think is pretty funny.
My marine will be home in five days, I'm super excited. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010


It has been a little while since I have posted on here. I figured now would be a good time. Chris should have been back in california on the 24th - the 26th.. but he hasn't even left yet. As of today the FRO called and said that their window has been cancelled, when weve known for like 4 days that they weren't going to make it in their time window. Which is annoying. I am getting really impatient with him being gone. Every time I eat, my stomach gets upset and when I sleep my stomach gets upset. Idk why, but i think its the butterflies going around in my tummy, but its getting annoying. No matter what I do I cant eat without feeling sick. Its like I have food poisening.. I'm having to force myself to eat.. which completely sucks.
Ive gotten most of my apartment set up but its not really worth putting together with out my hubby home.

Im behind on my school work but I can't seem to concentrate..

Life will get better soon, I just hate waiting.