Tuesday, October 26, 2010


For those of you have used adobe products you know of photoshop and flash, well I am being introduced to InDesign. Which I'm having issues learning about it so hopefully I can get a copy of the program soon so I don't have to drive all the way to school to mess with it. I'm almost done with my Yamaha ad, but I'm not sure if it is going to turn out okay. My teacher hasn't responded to me about my roughs so hopefully it will turn out well. My load at school is slowly getting heavier. I can tell that this quarter is going to be a hectic one. So far I am doing pretty well so hopefully it will stay that way.
Ive been exercising more. Taking the long way (walking not driving), going up stairs instead of using the elevator. I've been walking Busa more, but no matter how long he gets walked he doesn't get that tired. He hit his 6 month marker on the 21st :).
Tonight I'm going to be sewing somethings so that I can start selling them. We will see how that goes.

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